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Posts about RFID

The Ultimate Guide to Forklift Fleet Management

If there’s one thing warehouse and facilities managers can be certain of, they will always be under pressure from business leadership to cut costs and boost productivity. There may be wider budgetary...

Corporate Security: What an Integrated Access Control System Can Do?

Physical security systems have advanced significantly in the last couple of decades, helped by the latest generation of network and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Gone are the days of security...

What is a Physical Access Control System (PACS)?

[Definition] Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) P hysical access control is securing who and what can enter a facility. A physical access control system (PACS) is an electronic system that...

What is RFID Technology? Choose the Right Technology for Your Business

RFID Definition So how does RFID work? Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is one of the older wireless machine communication standards still used today. Why hasn’t it been replaced by something...

Smart Manufacturing 101: Navigating the Era of Industry 4.0

Welcome to Industry 4.0, where manufacturing and production processes are transformed by a new generation of network technology, data-driven decision-making, and real-time optimization. This article...

The Benefits of RFID in Corporate Security Management

Every year, corporate security departments have new threats added to the lengthy list they already have to deal with. New insider threats, dangerous technologies, disruptive market forces, social...