Our Customers


Remove human error from the equation with automated transaction logging that provides detailed insight into how your keys and devices are used.

Keep track of asset and key usage

Know with certainty which employees are responsible for keys, assets, machinery, and other equipment.

Eliminate manual errors

Use technology to automatically log transactions instead of having to fill in forms manually.

Maximize operational efficiency

Spend less time managing and tracking assets and more time focusing on higher-level business objectives.

Increase accountability and transparency

Give your team more responsibility by trusting them to use the appropriate tools, assets, and other equipment without manual oversight.


The easiest way to bake employee accountability into the foundation of your organization.

Know which employees took keys and when

Receive automatic alerts that notify you when keys weren’t returned by the time they should have been

Save time dealing with manual logs or trying to track down information with a digital system that serves as a single source of truth

Make sure that keys never leave the building with a KeyTracer Key Exit Alarm System

Get real time alerts on late key returns.


Always know where your most important assets are.

Ensure that the right assets and equipment are available at the right times to increase employee productivity

Eliminate theft by knowing where assets are at all times and receiving alerts when assets aren’t returned at the end of a shift

Track each individual asset with ease using content surveillance technologies like RFID tags and USB

Gain more visibility into your organization’s asset usage to streamline operations and increase operational efficiency

Future-proof your asset tracking needs with a scalable, flexible solution made of 18-gauge steel

Top-performing organizations are built on trust. Increase transparency and accountability to get better business outcomes.

Real Time Networks brings transparency to your organization with a single source of truth accessible from any device. In turn, it enables you to create a high-trust, high-performance culture that encourages your employees to reach their full potential every day.

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