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KeyTracer and AssetTracer

Comprehensive workflow automation capabilities that enable your organization to bake efficiency into every process that revolves around keys and assets.

Reduce human error

Reduce human error by leveraging key and asset tracking technology to take care of repeatable processes and tasks

Improve reporting accuracy

Improve the accuracy of your reporting while verifying assets in real time to ensure compliance

Integrate systems

Integrate key control, asset lockers and personnel safety solutions with your legacy business systems to unlock additional productivity gains

Keep chain of custody intact

Keep chain of custody intact throughout each transaction without having to fill out paperwork

Latest Blog Posts

Asset Loss Prevention: Top Strategies and Tips for ...

As we all know, theft in the workplace and asset loss are unfortunate parts of running any business. Some of it is malicious, but the majority of ...

10 Ways to Use Smart Asset Tracking for Regulatory ...

Navigating regulatory standards is always challenging, no matter what sector you work in. One activity that often gets overlooked when developing ...

Safety and Security in Mining Fleet Management

Autonomous vehicles didn’t eliminate fleet management in the mining industry, but they did turn the discipline on its head. The good news is that ...

Safety and Security Checklist Assessment for Hotels ...

Leadership teams at successful hotels know that security is critically important. But they also know how important it is to run a hotel security ...