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Stop losing equipment that's critical to your operations, and save on replacement costs.

real time asset tracking
  • Controls who can access each item in the locker and restrict when items can be taken
  • First-In, First-Out feature optimizes usage across a pool of equipment and ensures that users always receive a fully charged device
  • Eliminate manual processes
  • Increase accountability
  • Reduce costs and optimize use of tools and equipment
  • Complete auditing and reporting

Automatically logs who took what asset and when for a full accountability solution.

Manage, track and charge scanners and radios to ensure employees have the tools they need. 

Optimize use and size of equipment pool to save on costs.

Custom Built Lockers 

  • Configure vertical or horizontal stacks according to your exact needs.
  • Combine different sized storage compartments
  • A range of compartment sizes and charging options makes our solution adaptable to different items
  • Metal or clear door options
  • Methods of authentication: PIN, Prox cards, biometric readers, IrisID and smart phone
  • Option for unique asset identification and tracking using RFID tags
  • Integration with access control systems


Mix and match different compartment sizes as needed.

Real time reports and alerts on usage, history, faults, and more available in the RTNHub management software. 

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