lost keys

What Is KeyTracer’s Key Location System?

KeyTracer’s Key Location System is a real-time location solution that lets your organization know where every important key is at all times. Whether you’re a gaming company trying to keep sensitive areas secure or a university trying to streamline key management, a key location system can make all the difference.

What Does a Key Location System Do?

Instead of scrambling to find out where your most important keys are, KeyTracer’s Key Location System enables you to quickly locate lost or misplaced keys. When paired with a key management system, you’ll also know who took what keys and when, how long they’ve had them in their possession, and whether they were returned on time.

Key Location System Benefits

Increased Productivity

Spend less time looking for misplaced keys and reinvest that energy into other revenue-generating areas of operations.

Reduced Expenses

Eliminate unnecessary rekeying expenditures and vehicle and asset replacement costs.

Mitigated Risks

Secure your facilities and make sure only authorized individuals have access to your most important assets.

Request a Demo Today

“The savings in staff man hours far outweigh the cost of the electronic key cabinets and asset locker system. Not only did the system pay for itself quickly, we’ve gained in staff accountability, efficiency and eliminated personnel’s frustrations with wait time.”

Syracuse University

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