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Electronic Lockers and the Future of Smart Workplaces

Many organizations are using the monitoring capabilities available in advanced, new access control systems to turn their facilities into smart spaces. Typically, such programs only focus on managing...

What is Physical Asset Management?

Physical asset management definition A physical asset is any tangible item a company owns and utilizes to generate value. These assets include infrastructure, buildings, equipment, vehicles, and...

The Ultimate Guide to Forklift Fleet Management

If there’s one thing warehouse and facilities managers can be certain of, they will always be under pressure from business leadership to cut costs and boost productivity. There may be wider budgetary...

Physical Security Threats in 2024: What You Need to Know

The landscape of physical security threats in 2024 is constantly evolving, shaped by changes in workplace practices, new technologies, and new socioeconomic 2024 security trends. The shift to remote...

Enhancing Campus Safety with Smart Security Systems

Ensuring students' safety is a top priority on college campuses. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Educational institutions are responsible for securing several different types of facilities, from...

The Impact of 5G on Physical Security

5G wireless technology has significantly impacted many industries by increasing network speeds and connectivity to previously impossible levels. Physical security is one of the sectors that still...