
To streamline the City of Saint John's oversized vehicle fleet, ensuring cost-effectiveness, better data-driven decisions, and improved vehicle utilization across departments.


  1. Significant annual savings: The city saved over $185,000 in the first year and now enjoys a recurring annual savings of $155,000.
  2. Streamlined vehicle usage: The pooled fleet system optimized how departments throughout the city use vehicles.
  3. Improved decision-making: With better fleet data, the city can now make more informed decisions about its vehicle fleet.


The City of Saint John's careful analysis, planning, and use of smart technology with the KeyTracer system led to six-figure annual savings and streamlined operations. The new fleet management program not only met the City's financial goals but also enhanced efficiency and accountability.


"The KeyTracer fleet management solution transformed how we manage our vehicle fleet, leading to significant savings and improved efficiency."

- City of Saint John, Fleet Services Division


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