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The 15 Best Security Podcasts for 2024

No security professional wants to fall behind. Being behind the curve might cost your company money in other business disciplines, but in corporate security, lives could be on the line.

What is RFID Technology? Choose the Right Technology for Your Business

RFID Definition So how does RFID work? Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is one of the older wireless machine communication standards still used today. Why hasn’t it been replaced by something...

Industrial Automation and IoT: What Are the Benefits?

IoT is the Internet of Things, the latest generation of business and consumer equipment connected to the Internet. These devices can communicate with each other or central computer systems and your...

[Definition] What is Industrial Automation?

Industrial automation has long been held up as an example of a competitive advantage that forward-thinking businesses deploy. However, as we move ahead into the challenging but transformative new...

Best Practices for Replacing an Existing Electronic Key Control System

Electronic key control systems are a major leap forward from mechanical key cabinets. They offer better security and, more importantly, more comprehensive management capabilities over keys,...

2024 Forecast: Smart Technology Trends Across Sectors

I n 2024, business and security professionals can expect to face any number of challenges. The industry knows how to tackle some long-standing ones, and others are new and unexpected. Of course,...